For Sale at Artworks Trenton & Shout-Out!

Written by kate
like Sunday morning, 2014
like Sunday morning, 2014

There are still plenty of beautiful 10×10 canvases for sale at Artworks Trenton – go check it out!  My friend Christy O’Connor Demos also has a piece for sale (mixed media collage) that’s a must see (and buy!).  My canvas, like Sunday morning, is quilted with a shibori piece in indigo and red thread.  All work is being sold for $100 – $50 for the artist and $50 goes to Artworks.  It’s a pretty amazing deal, and these one of a kind pieces make great holiday gifts.






I have to give a shout out to my pal and an amazing artist, Yetzenia Leiva.  She created a digital children’s story on youtube – check it out!